Words of God

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Here, you can find a fairly complete list of Hieronym's comments on various To the Stars subjects. It's organized by source.

Word of God

Canonicity: Probably Canon - author's own speculation and ideas.

These do not contain direct spoilers of unreleased content, but do sometimes openly discuss matters only implied in To the Stars.

Sufficient Velocity

Topic subjects are paraphrased, answers are verbatim and cited with links to the original posts.


On the subject of story planning.

On the subject of complex or lawyerly wishes.

On the possibility of a wish contradicting another wish.

On the state of Governance's military before the Contact War.

On Incubator contracting before the MSY.

On Clarisse van Rossum's actions in the twentieth century.

On how the TCF operates on different levels of sentience.

On the different roles machine and human intelligences play in the military, and why.

On how the grief cube system made the MSY possible.


On the nature of Walpurgisnacht.

On the importance of money pre-MSY and how it factored in to its founding.

On how fleets are organized in To the Stars.

On passive magical girl stealth.