Nakihara Asami

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Revision as of 15:04, 21 April 2013 by Hieronym (talk | contribs)
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((Todo: needs info box, image))

A meek and unassertive girl, she has the interesting quality of having a build and height very similar to Ryouko, easing Ryouko’s insecurities about the issue. Contracted in the same week as Ryouko, they land in the same training cohort on New Athens, (as opposed to the other possibility: Mars) and appear to have become bosom friends over the course of training simulations.

Asami dreamt of being a xenobiologist and shares several personality traits (lack of satisfaction on earth, ambitious dreams, and urge to visit the colonies) with Ryouko, but instead spent her wish repairing discord between her parents, for the sake of her younger brother.

Like Ryouko, Asami seems to have little to no interest in romance. She has two brothers, one slightly younger and one much older. Asami has gravity-related powers, can sense gravitational shifts, and wears her hair in an unbraided ponytail. It may be that low gravity environments intoxicate her. Who knows?

Despite her personal obliviousness to certain complex social matters being similar to Ryouko’s, recently Asami has been dropping hints that others around her are going out of their way to tell her things, in a way that is not done to Ryouko directly. It is unclear why. It is possible that Asami’s ability to pick up on her parents’ discord (assuming it is not extremely obvious) implies a point of difference from Ryouko.

